Willkommen Welcome 欢迎 ようこそ Praxis TCM-MA Zürich

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Mo. bis Fr. : 8:30-20:00
  Tel. : 044 221 9595

Treatment Procedure

The traditional chinese medicine uses a long range more than 3000 Years enriched practical experience. She treats not the symptom, but the underlying cause.

After a thorough discussion and application of various diagnostic procedures (see, hear, smell, tongue, puls diagnosis) is the optimal treatment (acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, qi gong) would be selected ,depending on the symptoms and severity of treatment can be used in combination of several treatments. this increases the effectiveness of the treatment and speed up the process. the doctor will decide individually, which combination is best for you.
By us a treatment takes about 50 to 75 minutes. in general, 1-2 times per week. a cycle is built of about 10 – 12 meetings.
Welcome you in an effective and individual therapy as an alternative or complement treatments . With traditional Chinese medicine we are to be able to help,support and improve your quality of life.

What does Praxis TCM -MA procedures consist of? What do you need to prepare?

During your first consultation at Praxis TCM-MA, in addition to the chief complaint. Our doctor will conduct a comprehensive history detailing your physical characteristics, onset of the illness, previous treatment(s) and progress of recovery, etc.
In order to better understand your condition, our doctor will also ask about your lifestyle, dietary habits, stresses of daily living, sleep quality, digestive health, medical history, family history, and emotional well-being, etc.
Our doctor will even ask specific questions to determine your constitution and health status based on the cause and onset of the illness, progression, signs and symptoms, frequency of occurrence and complications or lack thereof. the health record also documents patient´s medical diagnosis and maintain an active medication list.
Through the four methods of diagnosis in TCM consist of observation, auscultation, inquiry and palpation, based on the above-mentioned consultation, our doctor will suggest a suitable treatment plan, Detail documentation of the initial visit allows the doctor to quickly assess your condition at follow-up(s). Treatment plan is undated accordingly, depending on the response to previous treatment, level of improvement, and change in illness progression.




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